
We believe that valuable change can best be fuelled by a clearly defined corporate culture, which must in turn be aligned with the strategy that underlies the desired change. Corporate culture will only have any impact if it can be communicated. The company’s customers, and its employees, who will be living by it and exemplifying this corporate culture, must all be able to grasp and understand it. Design is one of the most powerful tools available for making something visible.

The business sector is currently undergoing its most significant shift since the industrial revolution. I’m referring, of course, to the digitalisation of companies and the communities they serve.

The guiding principle of industrialisation was repetition. The main challenges that businesses face in undergoing digitalisation today are distribution and communication. Businesses that fail to pick up on this new reality and begin their transition will be left behind. Examples of companies that have struggled–or failed–to respond to this challenge are Ericsson, Kodak, and H&M… but the list just keeps growing!

We help companies that have decided to make the necessary changes to find and define their new identity and adapt their existing design to better communicate their new business strategies to their customers and employees. To do this, we combine psychological insight into the workings of the human mind with solid expertise in the field of design. We develop design and communication for our clients, and fit it to their desired corporate cultures and business strategies.

Györki mönster, reflektioner